Night Lights as Stocking Stuffers – Featured by TSG Sarasota!
Looking for stocking stuffers? The Scout Guide Sarasota (TSG) is featuring elle daniel’s night lights as stocking stuffers and Christmas gifts!
Stocking Stuffers: Custom and Vintage Night Lights
Don’t stuff your stockings with boring and tired gifts. Let your gifts stand out this year. Give gifts as unique as your recipients. If you’re looking for unusual stocking stuffers this holiday season, personalized night lights are perfect. elle daniel’s night lights are individually handmade with exquisite detail and meticulous care. Her decorative night lights may be personalized with monograms, special materials and trim. elle daniel is ready to make personalized nightlights from any fabric you choose, including nostalgic materials. Give meaningful gifts with sentimental value. Pictured above is a beautiful set of night lights made from the neckties of a father who passed away. These were given as gifts to his surviving children.
Night Lights and Lamp Shades on Etsy
elle daniel also sells ready-made night lights. Shop here: elle daniel Etsy Store for vintage fabric night lights and fun decorative nightlights for the whole family — kids included!
Want more good news? We have a Big Holiday Sale running on our Etsy shop right now. Get 30% off our lamp shades listed on Etsy.